MiCardium what is it?




  • Natural composition
  • Popular people's opinions
  • Confirmed by doctors

MiCardium what is it?

MiCardium is an effective drug for heart health and normalization of blood pressure, which is indicated for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases, especially in old age. The biological supplement is available in gelatin capsules, 20 capsules in one package.

Product Name: MiCardium
Official site www.MiCardium.com
Storage conditions Store at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.
Pharmacy license conditions At the counter
Delivery United Kingdom, USA, India, Philippines
Available in pharmacies? Discover
Availability on Amazon: no
Delivery time: 5-14 days
Availability: available on the official website
Composition 100% natural. Not a drug
User reviews: Positive


The biological additive contains the following components:
  • A complex of unsaturated omega acids that improve the elasticity of blood vessels and prevent the formation of blood clots.
  • Nettle leaf extract to naturally normalize blood pressure, thin the blood and improve metabolism.
  • Complex of B vitamins to normalize the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Thiamin to reduce fatigue, increase endurance and normalize blood sugar levels.
There are no synthetic components that could cause addiction or an allergic reaction.

Instruction: how to use?

The method of use is simple: take one MiCardium capsule before meals with plenty of water. It is enough to take one tablet per day. The standard course of treatment is one month, but within a few days you will notice an improvement in your well-being and a decrease in blood pressure. The dietary supplement can be combined with other medications prescribed to you by your cardiologist.

How does it work?

MiCardium has a complex effect. The drug reduces and normalizes blood pressure, which eliminates the risk of stroke, heart attack, and hypertensive crisis. The capsules make the walls of blood vessels more elastic, improve blood circulation, which prevents atherosclerosis and the formation of blood clots. The drug normalizes heart rhythm, which is important for tachycardia, bradycardia or arrhythmia. With regular use, the functioning of the nervous system is normalized, you become more energetic and resilient, you will be less likely to have headaches, and sleep problems are also eliminated. The product strengthens the heart muscle and increases tolerance to physical activity, and B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the immune system in general.


MiCardium is indicated for men and women in the following cases:
  • Hypertension and regularly high blood pressure.
  • Blood pressure surges.
  • Various heart rhythm disturbances.
  • Night cramps, headaches and other nervous system disorders.
  • Increased blood density, tendency to form blood clots.
  • Diabetes mellitus and high blood sugar.
  • Increased fatigue, shortness of breath even with minor physical exertion.
The drug can be taken from the age of 18 (cardiovascular diseases get younger every year, so consultation with a cardiologist may be required at any age).


MiCardium is a safe drug that does not cause side effects. It is not recommended to take it if you are hypersensitive or allergic to certain components. Also, the product is not recommended for patients under 18 years of age. Everyone else can take the supplement in courses, including together with other medications to normalize blood pressure.

Doctor's review

I recommend that all my patients with chronic hypertension and a history of a heart attack take MiCardium as a useful dietary supplement. A product with vitamins and nettle extract helps maintain blood pressure at the desired level and restores performance: patients claim that they feel much better after a month of taking it. In my practice, the drug did not cause side effects.


Where can I find the official MiCardium website?

The manufacturer and the official MiCardium website can be found at this link.

Can I buy MiCardium in a pharmacy?

Unfortunately not. You can only buy original products from the manufacturer's website, this is the only authorized distributor.

How can I order MiCardium?

To place an order, all you have to do is fill in the official form, enter your name, surname and mobile phone number. A representative of the company, with whom you can request the information you are interested in, will contact you as soon as possible to confirm your order, and in a few days you will receive the product directly at your home and payment on delivery.

In which countries is it sold?

MiCardium is sold in all countries. You can order delivery to any place convenient for you.

How long does delivery take?

On average, delivery takes 5-7 days, but can take up to 14 days.

Is MiCardium a deception?

We checked MiCardium and found no sign of cheating.

Are there any negative reviews about MiCardium?

We did not find any confirmed negative reviews for MiCardium among customers.


- 39$

Where to buy?

Official site


Packing quality4.5
Delivery speed4.6
Drug characteristics4.8
Ease of application4.7
The effectiveness of the drug4.9
Overall Rating4.7
Tigran Kasabyan - Author
Tigran Kasabyan
I am an freelance author. I write for various newspapers and Internet portals. In my spare time, I like to write in this blog, study languages and test different services and products. I was born in Georgia but have lived in many different places – which has given me a broad perspective on life.

Customer Reviews

underwent vascular bypass surgery and required long rehabilitation. The doctor recommended MiCardium to control my blood pressure. During the appointment, I measured it every day, all the numbers, including the pulse, were normal! I noticed that the rehabilitation went quickly, and now I lead the lifestyle of an almost healthy person. I will continue to take MiCardium every year for prevention.

MiCardium helped me “get off” pills to lower blood pressure, now I don’t use chemicals, but only natural dietary supplements. My blood pressure is almost always normal and my sleep has improved. I recommend this supplement to all older people, it definitely makes our heart work better!

With age, my heart began to play tricks, and more and more often the device for measuring blood pressure produces high numbers. I turned to a cardiologist, who recommended drugs to normalize the rhythm and MiCardium. Now I only take one dietary supplement, I feel better, heart problems no longer bother me, and the headache is gone. My blood pressure is always normal, I started working more in the garden and taking daily walks of 8 kilometers - now my health allows it. I do not observe any unwanted effects while taking it.

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